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11 Benefits of Paid Time Off (PTO)
As an employee, you are probably always waiting for your time break to come. On the one hand, if you are the company owner, giving additional benefits for your employees during their vacation or separ...

7 ways to deal with a personality clash at work
Opposites don’t always attract. No doubt we’ve all met someone we struggle to get along with, and sometimes we work with that person. In fact, 49% of workplace conflicts come from personal...

6 Ideas To Motivate Your Sales Team To Perform Better Each Day
The importance of a sales team cannot be explained in a better way. The sales team plays a pivotal role in the success of any organization. An effective sales team helps increase customer awareness, w...

How to prepare for a comfortable career conversation with your manager
Talking about where you want to take your career can sometimes feel uncomfortable and awkward, but those conversations are vital if you want to achieve your asp...

A Wake-Up Call: Tackling the Employee Insomnia Crisis
When COVID-19 struck this time last year, most employees were forced to work from home. One of the results of enforced remote working is the rise in the number of people experiencing insomnia. One in...

How workplace flexibility boosts productivity and morale
If you’re a manager, how do you know that your team is working hard? Traditionally, managers relied on timesheets and 9-5 attendance in offices where they could see their employees at their desk...